Brand Pillar: Insightful

Industry: Consumer Goods

Product Lines: Round Tooling, Pneumatic Power Clamps

Related Product(s): Round Tooling
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DESTACO’s customer in Thailand manufactures sewing machines.  During the final packaging process, the sewing machine with base needs to be placed in its box for shipping.  Their European factory uses a simple loop and hook with crane to lift the sewing machines, but Thailand still lifts with 4 operators.   Thailand’s location would like to have a lifting tool that can be operated by one person, and also lift two different types of sewing machine bases.  They also requested that the lift include an automatic locking device to lock the machine base when lifting, for safety.  The sewing machine weighs 95 Kg.


DESTACO designed a round tooling with power clamp lifting device.  

  • The tooling is the lifting structure
  • The power clamp is the machine base locking device at 4 points
  • Two custom jaws were designed to lock 2 different type of machine bases, one for aluminum and one for plastic. 
  • The lift device included a design to allow for an easy and quick jaw change when the machine base type changes.
  •  After installation, we made some slight modifications by adding a stopper slide function, per the customer request.



The customer is happy with the new tooling.

  • The tooling allows the sewing machine to be lifted into the packaging by one operator, as opposed to 4, improving productivity.
  • The new lift device reduces costs by only needing one operator.
  • The tooling improves safety with the locking feature on the lifting device to secure the machine while lifting.
  • Only one lifting tool is needed to lift two different kinds of sewing machine bases.

Please note: In these applications, as an assisted lifting device, 3rd Party accreditation or certification might be a requirement prior to use

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